what is javascript used for

           Understanding JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide

What is JavaScript? Introduction to javascript

JavaScript is a computer language used for creating websites and web applications.

JavaScript is a high-level and most popular programming 

JavaScript is a cross-platform, lightweight scripting language. In this context, cross-platform refers to "it works on any device," and lightweight means "it requires less code to write the program."

A webpage or website can be interacted with by the user via JavaScript.

JavaScript allows us to incorporate dynamic elements into a webpage.

With HTML and CSS, it is utilized.

It can be used for Frontend and Backend Development.

Both development on the client side and on the server side use it.

JavaScript is used to compute, change, and verify data.

Brendan Eich created JavaScript in 1995.

Since JavaScript is free to use, it is an open-source language.

Software and game design are also done with it.

JavaScript was originally known as LiveScript. Its name was later modified.

JavaScript is used by almost 97% of websites today. Another name for JavaScript is scripting language.

Features Of JavaScript

Feature javascript

How the programmer will write the language, and how it will be encrypted through the browser, all this is decided by JavaScript.

JavaScript is implemented in a web page using JavaScript statements placed inside the script HTML tag.

Like all other programming languages, variables are also used in JavaScript and it also supports different operators like Arithmetic, Comparison, and Assignment.

All types of upcoming famous browsers support JavaScript programming language.

JavaScript programming language follows all the structures of C programming language.

JavaScript also uses the Object Oriented Programming concepts present in programming languages like C++, and Java.

It verifies the user-provided input. It is used to verify the password and login ID in forms.

In the browser, it carries out simple computations.

 Because it is a platform-independent language, any device can use it.

It includes built-in features. With built-in functions, writing code is made simple.

HTML content is produced.

It ascertains the user's operating system and browser.

Uses Of JavaScript

1- To create a website –

JavaScript is used to develop websites. By using this the programmer makes the website dynamic and interactive.

It is mostly used for validation in websites.

Some famous websites that use JavaScript are – Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and Flipkart, etc.

2- To create a web application

JavaScript is used to create web applications that run on computers.

In this, many frameworks are used to create web applications such as React native, React and angular, etc.

You must have seen Google Maps. This has also been created using JavaScript.

3- For presentation

JavaScript is also used to prepare presentations. JavaScript language includes features like scaling, animated bullet lists, and syntax highlighting. With the help of this, any user can easily prepare a presentation.

In this, Reveal Js and Bespoke Js libraries are used to create beautiful presentations. Even if a person does not know programming, he can create presentations using these libraries.

4- To create Server Applications

It is also used to create server-side applications. For this, there is the node. js is used.

Node. js handles HTTP requests easily.

In today's time, very big companies like GoDaddy, WalMart, Uber PayPal, etc. all use node. js.

5- In creating Web Servers –

It is also used to create web servers. The web server is created in JavaScript with the help of Node.js.

The server created by Node.js is very fast. It transfers data without any buffering.

6- To make a game

It is also used to make games. Amazing games are created using JavaScript and HTML.

Nowadays PUBG and Free-fire games are very famous, and JavaScript has also been used to create them.

Through this, we can create 2D and 3D games. To create games in JavaScript, use game engines such as Physics. js and Pixi. js is used.

  7- To make art

It is used to design 2D and 3D graphics. The feature of creating graphics in JavaScript has recently been added. With the help of this, any user can easily create 2D and 3D graphics.

8- To create Smartwatch Apps

JavaScript is used to create smartwatch applications. The Pebble.js framework is used to create smartwatch applications.

9- To create mobile apps

It is used to create mobile applications. Android and IOS apps are created using JavaScript. JavaScript has been used in all the apps we run on mobile.

10- To make Flying Robots

It is used to make flying robots. That is a device that can fly easily in the air. The size of flying robots is quite small. These robots can be easily controlled.

11 To create a dropdown menu

Let us tell you that the Dropdown menu is a part of web development, with the help of JavaScript programming language we can create a better Dropdown menu.

Table of Content




JavaScript BasicsIntroduction, Syntax, Variables, Data Types
JavaScript Control Flow StatementsIf/Else, Switch, Conditional Logic
JavaScript LoopsFor, While, Do-While
JavaScript Expression and OperatorsArithmetic, Logical, Comparison
JavaScript ObjectsCreation, Manipulation, Properties
JavaScript FunctionsDeclaration, Expressions, Arrow Functions
JavaScript Regular ExpressionSyntax, Usage, Patterns
JavaScript OOPsClasses, Objects, Encapsulation
Inheritance and Prototype ChainPrototypal Inheritance, Chain Mechanism
Memory ManagementGarbage Collection, Handling Leaks
JavaScript PromisesAsynchronous Programming, Usage
Iterators and GeneratorsUnderstanding Iterators, Generator Functions
Javascript ValidationsForms, Data Types
Javascript EventsEvent Handling, Bubbling, and Capturing
Exception HandlingTry-Catch, Error Handling
JavaScript MiscellaneousVarious Advanced Topics
JavaScript Objects ReferenceGlobal Objects, Built-in Methods
Reason to Learn JavaScriptImportance, Applications
How JavaScript Makes HTML Build Websites BetterDynamic Content, Interactivity
Things that Make JavaScript DemandingMarket Demand, Versatility
JavaScript Interview PreparationTips, Common Questions
JavaScript Practice QuizQuizzes, Exercises
JavaScript Libraries & FrameworksOverview, Popular Choices

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